Another night bus brought us to Merida. However, there was quite a commotion on this bus. A man had been drinking throughout the ride and was continuously snorting, coughing, clearing his throat, snoring, etc. For whatever reason after he had been kicked off he was allowed back on. Very few of us managed to sleep that night.

The hotel we stayed in was pretty funky. Sculptures, paintings, murals, knick knacks, art was everywhere! The morning of our arrival Sylvie and I walked into town, took a few photos and then entered a clothing store. We then spent most of the afternoon shopping. An unusual activity for me while traveling but I had a lot of fun. Only bought a dress but had a great time trying on clothes. I returned to the hotel for a quick swim before meeting the group for dinner.
The next morning I visited the sites of Uxmal and Kabah. Since a woman fell to her death a few years ago while climbing Uxmal the site was roped off.
Later in the evening, shortly after dinner we stopped at a bar. A woman was giving Salsa lessons. Dom told the student he wanted to learn how to salsa and soon after a few of us were shown some basic steps. I had a good time learning the dance, curious if I'll have the opportunity to put my new found moves to the test.
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